PRIMOVEGETAL mission is the maximum satisfaction of their customers and consumers. We constantly seek the quality improvement of our products, in order to respond effectively to industrials and environmental challenges that are constantly changing. Therefore selecting meticulously the raw materials to use. We also invest in innovation without loosing sight of the know how of human resources.
To perform successfully this mission it is essential to share the fundamental values of PRIMOVEGETAL.
- Market guidance in order to promote the satisfaction and loyalty of customers.
- Excellency in the processes.
- Responsibility, respecting all the quality standards
- The involvement of Human Resources in the creation of conditions to the success and growth of the organization.
- The Respect for the Environment through practices that aim the reduction of the less positive aspects which may arm the surroundings.
The big PRIMOVEGETAL objective is to provide their clients spare time, space and less effort. But also grant more hygiene keeping all the characteristics of a product treated naturally and not the ones of a pre-cooked one. This way quality is constant.